The Artwork Album Of Gallimel
Oil Paintings
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"Angel of Love" Oil on canvas "Thinkin Renoir" Oil on Canvas |
"Dishearted" oil crayons on plated surface "Me Oil Portrait" Oil on canvas |
"Couple on bed" Aquarels on paper |
"Haway Girl" Oil on Canvas |
I would really love to have constantly time for putting colours on canvas.. it's like a dream to me, it reminds me of first
time I saw a painter in my life: I was 4 and I was on sea beach during summer: a lady used to get there early every morning
and paint the sea.. always similar to itself, always different.. Get into gallimel's Web Door page dedicated to 2d artworks and find my newest works! get into gallimel's Web Door page dedicated to Camera artworks of Meli! All is a new step! |