Lyrics From Moonlight and Soul
by gallimel
A Flight Leaving
11 June 2001
Clouds when you're starting to move
strange, in all this sun just one cloud
shadowening everything till you leave...
I didn't want to cry, but it's happening ..
I was up over you seeing entering the air bus:
the air bus makin you disappear from my view...
I was seeing you : in the middle..
you never tried to show me your face...
I was feeling your pain, as strong as mine is:
How can love so feel like ache?
Clouds when the plane has started to move
strange, in all that sun just one cloud
was shadowening everything during you leave...
I feel like without your smile I can't be happy again
My adored love,
My heart's like an unmoving broken piece of it...
Oh my sweet lovely angel.. why didn't you try to turn and see me up?
My hands were trying to penetrate the glass,
My hand was caressing the shape of you down,
And I've never felt so sad in my whole life...
I love you...
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