Lyrics From Moonlight and Soul
by gallimel
Shine On Me
Got a parcel this morning
That I have to send
I see it fly and come right there
Where you see each day sun
Surfacing from mountains or clouds
I think I would like
To be sent within that
For how little it can be
I know I'd stay perfectly in it
Since the desire of whom I want to see...
Shine on me with your pure light
You greatest of all angels who'll ever walk this planet
Let me have one billion of voices
Screaming "I love you" alongside my sing
Let me hope that you will hear someday
This calling out where you live, up there
Shine on me with your pure light,
You greatest of all angels who'll ever walk this planet
I think I would like to be sent in that pack
I think I would die when you would open it my star
I think I can't live without seeing your eyes
I think I can't breathe if you don't open my sky
Shine on me with your pure light
You greatest of all angels who'll ever walk this planet
(I feel your shine... I feel your smile...
I think that all I am is nice cos you like it
I feel your love fulfilling my world
And I feel all powers comin in throught your soul...)
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