Lyrics From Moonlight and Soul
by gallimel
Gold Made Gesture
Lights are out
But I still shaping shadows in the dark
I lie down on bed
Feeling like you're right beside
Your cuddling's like gold made gesture
All the beauty in life,
Yeah the greatest one has got yer face for me,
Your sembiances and words and I just feel so pure...
I search with my hand yours
I would like you to touch my chest
For feeling thru thin skin
My heart beating so wild like flesh is nil
Your cuddling's like gold made gesture
all the beauty in life
Yeah the greatest one has got your face for me,
Your sembiances and words, and I just feel so pure...
Your cuddling's like whisper made gesture:
You are the beauty of life,
My own greatest one...
it's light your face for me,
Your sembiances and words,
And I just feel so pure, and I just feel like gold...
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